We've been talking about remodeling the upstairs! We think we might get started in October, which means we better start cleaning and organizing all of our crap up there. There are wedding presents, my dress, bikes, Buddy's crate, books, the PC, 2 filing cabinets, decorations, a couch, a futon, a couple chairs., etc. Good lord.
The bambino will help me clean up while I'm on maternity leave. That would be a huge project that would make me feel great to accomplish. I have about 8 weeks, so I think it's doable. I'm going to need a lot of storage bins and I think some cheap plywood to lay down in the attic. Some of the big things will have to stay up there until demolition begins.
We'll get our contractor friend to come over to provide ideas and tips to combating roof line and plumbing restrictions. We sort of already know what we want, but we should at least get a rough sketch of the framing plans. No need for permits (: (Sneaky!) Thank God for "under the table" electricians.
If anyone out there has any ideas, especially about venting a roof (we're thinking about a cap), please let us know. Also, good skylight brands? We're also thinking about supplementing our lighting with solar tubes. And don't even start on dormers. I don't think we can stomach all that, but it would be nice for a bathroom.
Stay tuned for further developments and new pictures of the growing paver patio.