Well it's not totally done upstairs, but done enough for us to live in! We actually moved in a couple nights before Christmas....what a gift. ABOVE: Look toward the stairs from the bedroom. On the left is the linen closet, which still needs shelves and sliding doors. To the right is the unfinished bathroom. BELOW: Looking at the closets from the bedroom.

ABOVE: Standing between the closets looking out into the bedroom (facing west.)
BELOW: Looking at the closet (Adam's) from where the bed will be.

ABOVE: Standing in the hallway looking southwest into the bedroom. Behind the small door is the attic access (one of three). BELOW: Standing at the top of the stairs and looking south down into the hallway and bedroom. On the left is the bathroom and right is the linen closet.

ABOVE: Looking down at the stair landing. The railing and banister still aren't completed. We're building our own pieces (post, spindles). BELOW: Standing in the far north corner and looking down through the hallway at the linen closet. The spot is saved for the computer desk, a chair, reading lamp, and maybe a bookshelf. There's an attic access to my left.

ABOVE: Looking north at the stairwell and "den" area. Check out that skylight! It'll be a nice spot to work on the computer or read a book.
Now we're patching up the spots beat up from the carpet guys, touching up paint, working on the banister and getting the closet doors put together!