We have a new kitchen sink! Seriously, Buddy has to help do everything. We put the faucet together before we mounted the new sink, which made things a little easier on the lower back.
Just found out the electrician is pushing back his final visit to Wednesday instead of Saturday. AAAH! I don't know how much longer I can live without my stove. I'm craving a crappy box of Craft Mac n Cheese like no one's business. I'm sooo hungry. Or some brownies. Or spaghetti. hmm. scrambled eggs. By Sunday we should have most of a working kitchen. The counters will be grouted and sealed and we'll have running water.
Wish me luck. It might be a fast food night.
PS. Still haven't ordered the backsplash! Woah. I know! Worst wife ever (:
So did it work? Water on the ground? =)